Welcome to the latest edition of “The Company We Keep”. Each week, this blog series will highlight someone that makes the world a better place. Now, more than ever, these folks need to be recognized for the role models that they are. This week’s focus is our community’s very own Della DeHaven. For anyone that knows Della, this should not come as a surprise.

I hadn’t seen Della for a few months but ran into her in town recently. I was walking across a parking lot, and she drove by. Upon seeing me, Della stopped her car and exited the vehicle, just to come give me a hug and catch up. She then took a selfie of us together. (I contributed the Beast to her Beauty)

I share this story because it is reflective of who Della is. Ever since I have known her, she has made it her goal to invest in others. And she does this by making every person she meets feel special. And it works! I know firsthand. But it works because she’s genuine. She’s authentic. As are her actions and her words. The late great Mr. Rogers shared a philosophy that we should make every person we encounter feel like they’re the most important person in our lives for that moment. Della lives this daily.

Della continually and consciously chooses to invest in others. This sort of servant leadership is needed now more than ever. Some folks just need someone else to recognize the good in them and to encourage them to use it. Della not only encourages others, but she enables and empowers them as well.

Still need an example of Della’s tireless investment into others? Recently she bought me two leadership books. It wasn’t my birthday, Christmas, or any other gift-giving occasion. She didn’t owe me a favor. She simply knew I loved studying leadership and thought that I could grow from these books. And here’s the catch. She asked me, when I had finished reading them, to pass them on to someone else I thought would benefit from them. Della understands the art of influence. And that it doesn’t stop with our immediate circle of friends. She wanted to influence me, so I could influence others. And that is how success happens.

There’s an analogy in the leadership world. It suggests filling our cup and then emptying it into others. What it’s referring to is continually learning and trying to better ourselves for the sole purpose of sharing what we learn with others. Della has this act down to a fine art.

Remember earlier when I mentioned catching up with Della in the parking lot? I asked her what she was doing out and about, and guess what? She was helping someone in need. I know, I’m as shocked as you! I won’t go into all the details, but there was a family in desperate need of assistance and Della was out making sure they got what they needed.

Robin Williams delivers a brilliant line in his movie, Patch Adams. He states, “Transference is inevitable.” Meaning that each one of us has an influence on the other any time our paths cross. Della is fully aware of this and always goes the extra mile to make sure that her transference on anyone is as positive, uplifting, and encouraging as can be.

Simply put, Della chooses to invest in people. She has the gift of seeing the good in others. And she has the gift of then turning that good into great.

Thank you, Della. I am blessed to call you a friend.